- Always top quality. Only the best tied flies are sold to our customers. We have sold thousands of flies all over the world.
- Hand tied from professionals with over 30 years of experience so that you can fool even the fussiest fish.
- Very productive nymph fly patterns ever made. This pattern can be fished in the Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter
- Made with high-quality hooks to make hooking and landing a fish easier. The gold bead head help it sink and provides the flash to induce a strike.
- Every fisherman should have a helgrammite in their arsenal. They produce large fish in the spring and summer and provide a big punch of protein to hungry fish.
The HELGRAMMITE is one of the largest aquatic insects there is and can land large trout and smallmouth bass.
It can be fished in slow, fast, and still waters. It can be found in many habitats and is a must have in any fisherman's fly box!